
Social Statements

1. Mission Statement: Hope Lutheran Church's Mission to the Congregation, Community, and World is to provide awareness, confirmation, and action through the Good News of the Gospel that God loves them.

2. We are a reconciled in Christ congregation, and have adopted an Affirmation of Welcome to gay and lesbian Christians, who are expected and encouraged to share in the sacramental and general life of this congregation.

3. Ebi Gabor, a Hungarian Jew imprisoned in concentration camps during World War II, has been adopted by the congregation of Hope Lutheran Church as our living link to the Holocaust. We have forged this relationship with Ebi to learn from her faith, to honor her survival, to commemorate those family members she lost during the war, and to ensure that the Holocaust is always remembered so it cannot happen again. Ebi was adopted by the congregation on November 15, 1992.

4. Raoul Wallenberg was made an honorary member of the congregation of Hope Lutheran Church on November 8, 1984. Wallenberg, a Lutheran Swedish diplomat assigned to Hungary in the dark days of World War II, is credited with saving 100,000 Hungarian Jews from Nazi death camps, primarily through the creation of a protective Swedish passport which he distributed freely to the Jews of Budapest. Arrested by Soviet soldiers at the end of the war, Wallenberg reportedly was placed in the Soviet prison system. Efforts to determine Wallenberg's fate continue to this day.

The members of Hope voted Wallenberg into membership to commemorate his selfless sacrifice, to celebrate what is possible when people of different faiths work together, and to remind ourselves that all people have a duty to remember the horror of the Holocaust to ensure that it does not happen again.

See what we are able to offer our community right now to make a better tomorrow: We are a reconciled in Christ congregation. Office for Angel Care, helping children in need throughout the world. Eight different support groups for Alcoholics Anonymous. One Al-Anon group. An Over-Eaters Anonymous group. The sharing of our church with a Korean congregation. An emergency food outreach to the indigent needy. Plus many other programs and services offered through Hope's Ministry.

Click here to learn about Recovery Bibles, and the story of how one woman's letter changed the lives of thousands of people.